CodeStep's "DreamServer" DSX Platform Formula 1999-2024

The DSX development strategy has been around for over 2 decades - it has outlasted all client expectations - even programming languages themselves.

From Classic Scripting and ASP, to .NET Framework and beyond.   The DSX process has worked across languages, even languages in countries!

We designed DSX to do 3 things:

  • Give clients of all sizes the ability to create unique software at an affordable cost
  • Give suppliers the chance to work together in areas they otherwise wouldn't - crossing the boundaries between code and design - and giving content and product creators the chance to cross-sell.
  • Give our developers a way of keeping software up-to-date, without having to re-code them all the time

Software can connect your customers, staff, and suppliers from all over - giving everyone the chance to "glue together" their operations whilst each one is unique.

Our solutions are modular, and designed for different stages of the development process:

  • DreamServer "DSX Framework"
    A programmers foundation and API solution that reduced complex coding into simple, modular processes as well as defining how web applications should be built to ensure compatibility, quality and upgradable for the lifetime of our customers

  • DreamServer "Managed Applications"
    A highly defined and scalable application manufacturing standard and model - that allows us to create millions of lines of code in record breaking time

  • DreamServer "WebDesk Shell"
    A highly programmable user interface for web applications - almost pure JavaScript - the API allows a high level of integration between otherwise seperate applications, all within a web browser without any software downloads

  • DreamServer "Development Studio"
    A toolset and development suite designed for developers and suppliers to build applications that meet the DSX Framework Specifications.
    Itself built on DSX Framework - the suite can also be updated and managed in the long term using our Managed Applications process
    From Version 1 - 3 this was a pure ASP integrated configuration tool embedded in each application with limited capabilities
    From Version 4 through to 5.3 this was a highly scalable desktop-based suite each developer could use and run independently of any live environment
    As of Version 5.4 - the suite is "Multi-User Cloud-Ready" - with no 3rd party dependencies and built purely on the .NET Framework, either running locally or on a shared team server

Our core foundation is simple yet highly flexible, and has evolved across five major iterations:-

At CodeStep UK, our solutions aren't just software - we can deliver an entire process to help you move forward.

Our future development strategy will be based on our new Integrated Cycle of Engineering (ICE) process - taking DSX to the next level and giving our customers a tailored, yet ISO compliant solution

Platform Lifecycle and Support

All our platforms are designed to follow the Microsoft End-Of-Life policy timelines based on the underlying components and dependencies. 

Our latest platform is currently based on Microsoft Components that have no published EOL, and as such will continue to be suported until future releases
Versions may be withdrawn earlier subject to in-place upgrade options being provided and use-cases of registered users

CodeStep Platform
Technology  Deployment
Shell   End of Life Upgrade Policy / Notes *
DreamServer 5.5 - 5.7
(Not Yet Released)
TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Customers must migrate through 5.3 & 5.4
to qualify for 5.5 **
DreamServer Studio 5.4
Uses DSX Runtime 5.3
.Net C# As per 5.3
As per 5.3 As per 5.3 3.10 No EOL Yet

.Net Based Compiler Publishing
DreamServer 5.3

.Net C#
(4.8+ Only)

.Net Core
(8+ Only)
SaaS / Windows

SaaS / Windows 2022

SaaS / Windows 2019

SQL 2019+
Managed 2.3

3.10 No EOL Yet

Oct 14, 2031
Jan 9, 2029
.Net 3.5 Installations are no longer supported
Non Web Hosts now supported
A 6-step upgrade process is required * & **

Classic Desktop DSX Studio Publishing 5.3
has been retired.  Use DSX Studio 5.4

For more information see our News Page

DreamServer 5.2.4
(Internal Studio Build)
.Net C# Research Only SQL 2016+ Managed 2.2 3.9.7  Apr 28, 2024
Internal Build
A Special Build specifically to prep for migration
Uses Runtime 5.2.3
DreamServer 5.2.3

.Net C# SaaS / Windows 2022
SaaS / Windows 2019
SQL 2016+ Managed 2.2 3.9.6  Dec 20, 2024***

to 5.3 *

DreamServer 5.2.3 (Legacy Support) .Net C# SaaS / Windows 2016 SQL 2016+ Managed 2.2 3.9.6 Apr 28, 2024***
Windows Server must be upgraded
DreamServer 5.2.2 .Net C# SaaS Only SQL 2016+ Managed 2.1-2.2   3.9.4 May 25, 2023 *** to 5.2.3
DreamServer 5.2.1 .Net C# SaaS Only SQL 2016+ Managed 2.1 3.9+ May 25, 2023 **  to 5.2.3
.Net C# (4.7) SaaS / Windows 2016+  SQL 2008 R2+ Managed 2.1 3.8+ Nov 20, 2023 **
to 5.2.3 **
Managed 2.0 3.7+ Apr 26, 2022 Managed Apps 2.0 must be upgraded to 2.1
DreamServer .Net C# (4.5) SaaS / Windows 2012+ SQL 2008 R2+ Managed 1.0-2.1 3.7+ Apr 26, 2022 to or 5.2.3
DreamServer 5.1 .Net C# SaaS / Windows 2008 R2+ SQL 2008 R2+ Managed 1.0-2.0 1.0+ Apr 26, 2022 to 5.2.x
DreamServer 5.0 .Net C# SaaS / Windows 2003+ SQL 2005+ Managed 1.0 Jul 14, 2015 to 5.2.x. 
Non-Managed apps require a Migration Service **
DreamServer 4.0 Classic ASP / .Net Research Only  SQL 2000+ Managed 1.0 Nov 19, 2007 Research Platforms are not upgradable
DreamServer 3.0 Classic ASP / .Net  Windows 2003+ / XP SQL 2000+ Dynamic 2.7 Jul 12, 2011 Migration Service to 5.0 only **
DreamServer 2.7 Classic ASP / VB Windows 2000+ SQL 2000+ Dynamic 2.7 Dec 24, 2006 to 3.0
DreamServer 2.5 Classic ASP / VB Windows 2000+ SQL 2000+ Dynamic 2.5 Dec 24, 2006 to 2.7 or 3.0
DreamServer 2 Classic ASP / VB Windows 2000+ SQL 7.0+ Dynamic 2 Dec 24, 2006 to 2.x
DreamServer One Classic ASP / VB Windows NT 4.0 / 
Windows 2000+
SQL 6.5+ Dynamic 1 Mar 31, 2001 Prototype Platforms are not upgradable

Upgrade Policy:

* Free of Charge Upgrades of CodeStep Platforms available to Maintenance, Subscription and Software-As-A-Service customers. 
Non-Supported customers charged at standard upgrade rates.
Non SaaS customers must upgrade Windows / SQL Server by providing or purchasing appropriate licences in order to receive Microsoft Security Updates
Developer Licences are not covered by the free upgrade service policy.  It is up to developers to install and update components in accordance with API guidelines
** Migration Service is a chargeable option available for old systems (such as Classic ASP) that are not fully compatible with the newer platform(s). 
Customers may elect to do this themselves in accordance with the API guidelines of the selected framework version
***   End of life is reduced when all registered customers upgraded
**** The Managed App Downgrade Service is no longer available for customers running DSX 5.3. Only Managed Apps 2.3 or higher can be supported.
This is an unfortunate limtation due to the nature of the compatibility issues associated with the code base of 5.3. 
For any non-SaaS customer stuck in this position and needing legacy support, we can offer a manual porting service but this will be chargeable on a per-application basis.
Developer Licences may be deployed on Windows Desktops of an equivelent version to the specified servers
To ensure compatibility, similar architectures (or higher) should be matched eg,
Windows Server 2003 versions can run on Windows XP with IIS installed and ASP.NET frameworks
Windows Server 2008 R2 versions can run on Windows 7 with IIS installed
Windows Server 2016 versions can run on Windows 10 with IIS installed
Additional Microsoft SDK's may be required

As of DSX Studio Version 5.4 - CST Publishing is no longer supported or approved for use.  Developers should see incident reference 2024081610000017 for more information
  Managed Apps can be upgraded from 1.0 to any other version by request (subject to Platform version / deployment type). 
 - Chargeable at £15 per application for non maintenance/SaaS customers.
Managed Apps may be downgraded for legacy deployments, but cannot be downgraded from 2.0 without loss of UI layout functionality
 - Downgrade Options will not be available from Managed App 2.3 without Migration Service charges
Managed Apps V2.0 may switch between HTML4/HTML5 or BootstrapUI - but template (re)design is chargeable

Dynamic Apps cannot be upgraded to Managed Apps without a Migration Service

Early Retirements: DreamServer 5.2.3 will be retired early on 31st December 2024.  Customers expected in 2025 will be upgraded to 5.3 free of charge
DreamServer 5.2.3 on Windows 2016 has been retired as of 28th April 2024.  Windows Server must be upgraded to 2019 for continued support.
DreamServer was retired early on Nov 20th 2023 (down from Jan 12th 2027) to due to all live customers being upgraded.
DreamServer was no longer supportable due to Microsoft Dependency Lifecycles expiring on Apr 26th 2022. 
Customers without a support agreement are strongly advised to recompile & upgrade their systems

DSX is developed and sold by CodeStep (UK) Limited under licence

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