Latest News and Offers from CodeStep UK

At CodeStep.UK - there is always something new in the pipeline.

New software, new hardware services and entire platforms are built regularly to keep up with demand, and to provide a cutting edge yet cost effective solution to those that deal with more than just websites.

Our data center services are designed from the ground up to be cloud-beating - from performance, to price - we can deliver when others cannot.

We regularly invest in all sorts of solutions - even just to try out new options - but each time we create a new service or suite of products we know even larger organisations can benefit from.

A well designed solution can save hundreds or thousands compared to the typical vendors.  We use combinations that are not off-the-shelf, delivering you savings and performance.

CodeStep.UK - Delivering time and cost efficiency

Need something specific ?

CodeStep.UK can deliver bespoke solutions when off-the-shelf market providers don't quite deliver.

Using custom configured equipment, we can provide more flexible and more cost effective hosting than Cloud providers, all fully managed or provided as a self-service solution

Special Announcement for Registered Charities

August 2024 - A 3rd party failure brings a new opportunity

Following a challenging few days, our Managing Director David has announced a difficult and complex change - breaking a dependency on 3rd party software and laying the foundation for a better future

For over 15 years CodeStep UK (previously has used software from an American company to help us deliver our production process and software factory.  It had it's limitations and substantial costs, but it was worth it - because it allowed us to deliver a stable and long life product to our clients

Over the years we have had a few bumps in the road, with the 3rd party providers' services failing, compatibility issues and in some cases the service just couldn't do what we needed.  But their support team was first class, and they always fixed the problem

But the last few days proved we had to change our direction. The company we used has failed us.  Their software licence has been broken by a Windows Update and whilst these things do happen - their support service has been unacceptable for a large organisation and entirely unprofessional.  We have been left with broken licences that they refuse to fix despite us paying in full for their products

Hours and days have been wasted with the support team making excuses, refusing to take responsibility and even suggesting we have to buy something else because they have changed their minds on what their software can do - ultimately leaving us without a long term solution and causing serious disruption.  Their service level is unacceptable and the threat they pose to our clients cannot be allowed to continue

We will not allow our customers to be hijacked or held back by any of our suppliers

Executing our Contingency Plan to protect our customers

So on the 15th August - CodeStep UK are announcing a complete change of how we publish software.  And this time, we won't be relying on anyone else either, we are building our own publishing software to integrate seamlessly into our production process - built entirely in-house by our own experts and fully supported to ensure our development teams are never held hostage again

Over the next week we will build and commission our new service and transition everything we do to it and we can't be more excited about the possibilities!

This isn't just a last minute change.  For two years we have been planning on streamlining and de-risking our supply chain to give us more flexibility and improve our scope to grow, so we were well prepared for this scenario.  We just didn't expect to complete it so quickly!. 

But, this development will allow us to scale like never before without the costs and technical limitations associated with the previous provider and allow us to further reduce the costs and expanding the options available

The new DreamServer Studio 5.4 brings forward our future planned changes - and is now entirely self sufficient, scalable to unlimited users and will never again cost us licences for every developer or every server at thousands of dollars a time, dramatically reducing the TCO for both developers and end customers

UPDATE, 18th August:  Developers are instructed to remove DSX Studio 5.3 and ALL 3rd party CST publishing software WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT.  DSX Studio 5.4 is now available for install.  See Incident Reference: 2024081610000017 for more information

DSX Studio 5.4 is now pure .NET, with no 3rd Party Dependencies.  CST Batch Processing relying on 3rd party software is no longer approved for use by any developer or contractor servicing CodeStep clients and must be replaced with the .Net Compiler pack provided by CodeStep Support

We won't be held back!

We love working with other companies - experts in their field coming together always ensure our customers get the very best of what is available

But we also ensure our customers are not adversely affected when a provider changes or deterioates in service quality

In 2005 we terminated one of the most popular Hosting Providers from serving our customers because their service level collapsed, and their performance was so poor they were a threat to our clients

In 2011 we terminated one of the largest Premium UK Hosting Providers because their inability to deliver consistently secure servers was unacceptable - so we launched our own Cloud Hosting Services serving thousands of users across Europe and costing less than half the price

And now, in 2024 - we are terminating our relationship with one of the most well known software tool makers because they have also threatened the stability of our teams and customers by refusing to honour their licences

Failures and problems do happen - it's just a part of business and life.  But how people deal with those failures is how we judge our suppliers and how we determine what is safe for our customers

Our customers deserve the best, and we will do whatever it takes to make sure they get it

May 2024 - Two new customers, Two vastly different services

It is our pleasure to announce winning two new contracts in one day - and we can't wait to work with our new customers

Following our trial in February of our new "Micro Business Service Model" - we welcome our new customer from the Antiques Sector who will be our first commercial customer using our new Shared Service Platform based on DSX 5.3

DSX 5.3 was developed to reduce the TCO and deployment costs - enabling us to serve micro businesses and low-user count customers who traditionally were locked out of bespoke development

We also want to welcome our new Motor Racing customer who will be using a more complex, but equally more cost effective service also based on our latest platform.  Our new solution will transform their current legacy based tools that are complex to use, prone to error and cost huge amounts of labour time to work with - into a single streamlined service that all their staff can use from anywhere in the world, all powered by CodeStep UK's DSX 5.3 Software-as-a-Service platform

Over the coming weeks we will deliver and monitor the success of our new Micro Business Service Model before we start approaching more customers - and once we are sure this is the perfect process, we will start to offer these solutions to more customers and beat our rivals on cost, simplicity and support

One size never fits all

When CodeStep.UK was built our goal was always to give small businesses the ability to access bespoke software at a price they can afford, but also to provide large businesses with the robust solutions a stable platform provides

Now our single DSX 5.3 platform is on the path to allow micro businesses to grow into large ones, without having to re-invent the wheel or change software as they evolve and requirements become more complex - our platform grows as they do, and we will help them access tailored solutions cheaper than off the shelf software

April 2024 - CodeStep's DSX Platform 5.3 has arrived!

A little later than hoped, but with many improvements designed to keep customers up to date with what's coming next!

DreamServer DSX 5.3 has Arrived!

Our latest platform is designed to deliver a simplified and more modular strategy to our development cycle, paving the way for migrations to .Net Core solutions as well as Micro-Applications for Small Businesses that don't have the resources for large and expensive solutions.

The aim of DSX 5.3 was:

  • Seperate Traditional .Net Framework WebForm applications from .Net Core compatible libraries - helping us bridge the gap with a consistent base layer and development framework - whilst keeping existing solutions fully compatible
  • Simplify the deployment of our "Basics" platform - so we can dramatically reduce the maintenance costs for micro-applications and services, helping us deliver a low-cost shared service price point
  • Begin the process of delivering our Socket Shell solutions - migrating away from traditional Web Form models and moving to SocketIO and Razor/Blazor based applications

Always looking forward

As with all our solutions, we don't just deliver for today, we deliver for what is coming around the corner.

When Microsoft moved to .Net Core they did not provide enterprises or legacy solutions with an upgrade path - something that has upset many developers, and made customers angry at the potential cost of migrating to something entirely different.

Our DSX strategy is coming to the rescue!.  Just like we did with DSX 3 - our latest solution is designed to bridge the gap between old and new, ensuring customers don't lose their investment, and keeping our developers focused on what we are building next, rather than re-inventing the wheels of the past.

Get in touch and find out how our strategies keep customers protected from the rapid pace of technology

Feb 2024 - Welcoming our new Trial Partner

As part of a recent promotion we are pleased to welcome our new trial customer from the Antique Dealers sector

As part of the trial - we are developing a simple yet effective replacement for a system that is over a decade old, and riddled with bugs and security issues.  The system was a simple tool to communicate with their network - but it was developed in PHP by someone who is no longer available, and didn't follow any standards whatsoever.  The PHP framework did not sit well with modern standards, and we were horrified to see the code in it!

We were contacted to rescue their system when the ISP stopped serving them - and whilst we helped get them up and running - we had to point out the many, many flaws with it - but most important - we offered them a solution which they snapped up

We invited them to trial our new "Basics" programme - and they accepted

The programme provides a free build, and monthly subscription service for mini applications - and we were able to build the solution in just under a day using our production process

The new tool uses our tried and tested platform - provides a modern interface and meets all the relevent standards that they were missing out on

We are about to discuss launch and migration of their data - and hopefully they will become a long term customer!

Delivering our business ethos

When CodeStep.UK was first devised over two decades ago - the ethos and plan was simple....

We wanted to give small customers the ability to have custom software, at an affordable cost - and one that can grow as they need, when they need it

Many businesses start out with a simple requirement, but are forced to accept off the shelf software that doesn't quite fit.  They are forever stuck in this cycle which leads to complex and unnecessary duplication, training difficulties and multiple vendors

Our Basics Programme is designed to grow as they do - but uses the full power platform we developed so it can scale into a multinational solution serving thousands of users - whenever they are ready

Jan 2024 - Upgrades for all - some of them free!

Following our major datacenter upgrades at the end of 2023, we are now offering the following software upgrades to all contract and service customers:

  • Operating System Upgrades:-
    • Upgrade to any version of Windows Server (Up to 2019 Datacenter) Free of Charge
    • Upgrade to Windows 2022 for a small one off charge

  • Platform Upgrades:-
    • Upgrade to DSX 5.3 as soon as its released
    • Become a test-pilot for the new WebDesk 400 Concept and as a participant, get the final product for free when it's officially released

  • Multi-site replication:-
    • All services can now be replicated to multiple locations.  For non-SaaS customers there is an additional fee, but this provides a secure and dependable service above most traditional hosting packages

Keeping systems modern

Every few years we upgrade our hardware and software platforms - ensuring we stick with reliable, tried and tested services, but keeping the services we offer up to date

As part of our datacenter licencing models - we can upgrade customers free of charge to the lastest stable solutions.  For customers who want the cutting edge options, a small upgrade fee keeps your systems up to date

Nov 2023 - DreamServer 5.3 hits Release Candidate milestone!

A year long plan to keep our platforms ready for the future......

DreamServer 5.3 hits Release Candidate status!

Our latest platform is designed to prepare for what comes next - and this will be a big change!

With a smarter code stack - our new system does away with the old, creates a more modular foundation, and allows us to prepare for the next major versions.  With full backwards compatibility - this platform allows a seperation of old & new technologies - ready for the future

Despite the focus of many solutions as "web-only" - we know that this won't be the case for much longer.  What is coming around the corner will completely change the way solutions and services are delivered. 

And DSX 5.3 will get our loyal customers ready for it - a simple 6-step upgrade process will be performed for all Active Subscription Customers free of charge

It's almost here!

It's been a long time coming....

We've jumped ahead of the plan - what was going to wait until the future, has again been fast-tracked to now

Customers will be prepared for the next evolution of our managed services, with a smaller footprint, faster execution and lower cost strategy - all wrapped up in the design and architecture of our latest platform

Nov 2023 - ISO Standards baked into our WebDesk Solution

As our business grows to become ISO procedure driven - we've had to tackle a mountain of paperwork, registers and audit trails.

And like any business focused on growth - we've invested in our system to help us acheive the results faster than by hand.

Our WebDesk Pro package has been specifically updated to target all the mundane and paperwork processes needed to acheive a high level of quality and redundancy - ensuring even in the biggest disaster - our team can handle problems and processes with ease

As we come to the end of our first major hurdle in ISO accreditation - we've built the tools needed to streamline the business continuity planning - allowing not only our staff, but our supplier networks and customers to have complete confidence in the underlying process our business follows

Building standards into software

For years our software has followed a process - it's why our solutions are so stable and can be upgraded and expanded at a moments notice

As we develop the business and prepare to expand - we needed a solution that helped tackle the mountain of paperwork and track the growth

CodeStep did what it does best - it took the mundane administration of the business and turned it into a software package - now available to all our staff and suppliers at the touch of a button

Delegation and Management has never been so easy.  You can do it too!

Oct 2023 - Frozen Prices for Contracted Customers

Finally, some good news for everyone! - Thanks to the hard work of our suppliers and teams, we are happy to announce a Price Freeze promotion - already accepted by one of largest customers!

So - what they paid in 2023, they will pay for the whole of 2024!

The offer is available for all our contract customers who sign up to the Promotional Offer that was announced last month.  It's available for a short time only, so get it quick!

Contact your Account Manager for more information, or our Sales Team to find out what we can offer you on future services

Always doing what we can to help

Service quality and support isn't the only important thing for customers.....

Keeping control of the costs and getting the best deals are also highly important - especially in the last few years where everything seems to have become more expensive

We work closely with our suppliers, as well as ensuring our production process is as efficient as it can be

May 2023 - DSX Framework 5.2.3 Interim Release

We have released an interim version of our development framework - an earlier than planned upgrade for all

As we plan ahead for our next major versions, it was decided that customers should not have to wait for some of the latest features

By taking features and improvements planned for the next major version, we have backported the code into our stable 5.2.x framework, providing additional security, performance and 3rd party improvements

5.2.3 lays the groundwork for breaking apart the framework into more modular and dependency-free components - allowing smaller hosting environments and easier to deploy lifecycles for applications, and a migration path for what comes next

All customers will receive 5.2.3 as an in place upgrade - including the recently released improvements to Managed Apps

As always, free to our active customers

Keeping customers up to date

Sometimes, improvments are too good to wait for

By backporting valuable improvements, we keep customers up to date faster

A good roadmap is a flexible one - and like our customer solutions, our framework and processes evolve all the time

We are always planning ahead - with 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 6 and 7 on the horizon - but sometimes, we just have to fast track and deliver new tools now

And this one, we couldn't wait for!

April 2023 - Managed Apps 2.2 are here!

Following months of testing and a live production trial with our latest customer, Version 2.2 of CodeStep's Managed Applications is now available to all customers as a free upgrade

Providing performance benefits, and a more scaleable loading architecture - Managed Apps 2.2 provides our team with automated application generation tools to fast track the build, testing and delivery of our customer solutions

As with all Managed Solutions - our process delivers a consistent, reliable and manufacturing grade solution for our software, with expanded opportunities to integrate an endless list of fully bespoke software using our DSX 5 Platform

And the story doesn't end there! - Managed Apps 2.3 and 2.4 are already on the way!

Manufacturing long lasting quality

Writing code by hand is expensive, time consuming and prone to errors

Our process is designed to prevent these issues, and ensures not only is software deliverable to a high standard, but continues to be updatable without human re-coding

January 2023 - Establishing Governance to match our Software

CodeStep.UK have engaged a new partner to help us establish a governance process that will help us deliver a quality management and customer satisfaction focused service to all our customers - helping our business behave and deliver as well as our software

We welcome our new advisors Ian and Dave to our team of specialists and look forward to the challanges of meeting international quality services

The long process of standardisation and process engineering continues

A good process lasts longer

From the inception of CodeStep.UK our foundation has been built on process and repeatable standards.

Now we take the leap into making the business operate as good as our software

October 2022 - Managed Apps just got faster

We've just completed the next stage of our upgrade process - building the platform for our future solutions

DSX Managed Apps Version 2.2 BETA has just been prepared, transforming the way applications are loaded and creating a more streamlined, resilient and faster foundation for all our future applications

Taking advantage of techniques learned over the last few months, we've cut down the amount of code and processing required to run every bespoke application we build

Our new version will be trialled over the coming weeks and released to all our customers as a free upgrade, and helping prepare for future advances

Our process - designed to adapt yours

Our design patterns developed over 20 years ago have allowed us to keep our customer applications modern without endless recoding

Our unique software manufacturing process ensures stability and the knowledge old software can be recycled into something new

August 2022 - Another launch, and another contract

We are pleased to announce yet another customer launch - following a long testing and review process, our client has confirmed the launch of their new system to their product teams. 

Built on our fifth generation platform - this latest solution is manufactured and updateable using CodeStep's unique process

A massive thank you to all the people involved for their hard work and dedication - delivering yet another solution tailored for the business and working the way the users need

We are also proud to announce another new contract with a new customer - we'll be commissioning our teams to develop a highly bespoke solution - ending the reliance on hundreds of manual spreadsheets, and the complications of compiling monthly data - our solution aims to create a single platform that will serve all the businesses involved and deliver efficiency with easy to use tools that empower users and give management teams the oversight of their organisation from a single browser

One stop solutions that keep growing

All our systems are designed to grow - and our customers can develop the tools they need and work how they want

Our latest delivery process has produced interactive demonstrations in just a matter of days - ending the lengthly consultancy and mock up processes used so often, giving the customer a real feal for how their systems will work - before we even start building

June 2022 - Now in the top 2% donators to Folding@Home

CodeStep.UK are yet again surprised - We are now a "Top 10K Ranked Team" to the Folding@Home Project!

In just a short space of time - we have gone from the top 5% to the top 2% - beating any expectation we had.

Our small donation of free resources helps the Folding @ Home teams combat global health threats like COVID19, Alzheimer’s Disease and cancer.  The software is free, easy to install and you can join the fight too! - Sign up at

A small but simple donation

A small donation can go a long way!

You too can help the folks at the Folding @ Home Consortium (FAHC) develop new methods and experiments to understand health issues and perhaps develop new treatments never discovered before

May 2022 - Welcoming our new customer!

CodeStep UK are pleased to announce the winning tender for our new customer within the Care Industry!

Working closely with new partners from the South of England, we aim to deliver a fully bespoke solution to deliver a digital transformation of the customers business process, delivering web based software and an efficient solution to their time consuming operation

We look forward to creating a new standard of working for them and hope they can enjoy truely custom software at a fraction of the price of other providers

A new industry, A new opportunity

Working with a new industry is a fantastic chance for CodeStep to learn more about different customers, and how different businesses work on a day to day basis.

As with all our customers, we will deliver a custom solution that works the way they want to - and as always, gives our solution architects great experience in solving unique problems

March 2022 - Welcoming our new Design Director

After many years as both a friend and a great supplier, CodeStep UK welcomes Dan, our new Design Director to the team

With a broad range of skills from Adobe PhotoShop & CreativeSuite to HTML 5, WordPress and e-Commerce solutions - Dan will lead our design and graphics delivery teams to ensure all our customers receive a first class service and consistent design throughout their entire platforms

Combining these skills with the graphics teams including our latest illustrator Michelle, they will provide graphics packages to our programming teams in line with our process - enabling CodeStep UK to continue to deliver great looking applications that are bespoke and branded to each and every customer

A design structure for any device

The principle of "Mobile-First" design ensures all our applications and websites not only look great - but perform on any device - from mobiles & tablets to high resolution desktop solutions

Building on public platforms and our own architecture strategy - all our design schemes ensure compatibility and scalability no matter the size of the solution

January 2022 - WebDesk Pro 2022 launched

Following 2 years of planning - our latest version of WebDesk Pro built on our DreamServer 5.2.2 platform is ready and live for our partners to build tailor made projects, solutions and strategies for our clients

Specifically designed to work how CodeStep UK needs - this version is unique to our business and provides the tools we need to deliver consistent and detailed planning for our customer solutions

As with all our client solutions - a tailor made product is the best possible toolkit which will allow us to scale our services and train our team to work together within a single portal accessible from anywhere

Tailor made - to tailor your service

Our solution is designed to make your solutions and services better

We developed our latest toolkit to provide the planning, strategy and communication our customers need to make informed decisions - with each and every solution detailed automatically using our tried and tested process

Tailor made solutions deliver what you need, how you need it

December 2021 - New Contracts Secured

As the chosen provider for a long term data solution, CodeStep UK are proud to announce the winning tender for a bespoke Data Management solution for our customer

Building on our DreamServer Platform - our latest solution is gearing up for an integrated support and engineering model - allowing customers to request and track changes to live services

With our new solution following our standard model - upgrades and support are managed through a single customer access point and tracked to ensure every stakeholder receives the delivery they need

Standards based Development

Our DSX Platform Strategy has been around for 2 decades - with the latest version built on a solid and reliable foundation ready to grow and change as our customers need

The roadmap for the future continues to develop this foundation and ensures that as languages and tools adapt - so can our systems

December 2021 - Simulation Software, just because we can

Turning a developers hobby into a piece of software wasn't really the plan.  But perhaps, it could actually be useful!

CodeStep's SimMachine 0.2 was developed to test a virtual machine environment - but rather differently to the usual ones.

This one wasn't designed to run your favourite OS - it was designed to build a software modelled environment to test hardware designs, new software designs and create a fully programmable "machine" - from scratch

The SimMachine framework allows software definitions of hardware components, software, BIOS routines and Operating System prototypes without endless wires or electrical nightmares associated with testing new designs

You can read more about the SimMachine Prototype here

Perhaps one day, this will turn into a fully fledged system development platform!

Building something different

Building something "outside the box" can be challenging, but very rewarding

CodeStep UK likes to build different solutions, and in different ways.  New processes, performance benefits and structures help develop skills, learning tools and in some cases - even helps us come up with new ideas for our core products and services

Our customers already know they want something different - and those that invest their time always end up with a long term strategic advantage

November 2021 - New Company Formation!

After a difficult two years, CodeStep (UK) Limited has completed it's official formation!

Following the freeze on new business account openings and difficulties reaching new business partners - CodeStep had to delay the planned startup and launch - but is now on the road to develop new services, products and partnerships with businesses and people across the UK and beyond

Building on 14 years as an independent trader - CodeStep.UK is taking our delivery strategy to the next level

Our new partners are investing time and energy into developing a nationwide support service for our customers and new scaleable services for even the smallest companies - and a new documented and process-driven development cycle which we hope will lead to a new ISO accreditation

Our DSX Development Strategy is preparing for the next generation of services - so all our future customers can benefit from cheaper and more efficient solutions tailor made for every individual need

Process Driven Futures for everyone

Our process driven approach ensures a streamlined, resilient and scaleable architecture for our customers to depend on

We are replacing standard "Agile" with a new Integrated Cycle of Engineering (ICE) approach - ensuring every customer solution is tailor made, flexible and routinely updated to ensure your services do not become stale and can grow as you need

Our unique approach ensures precision, stability and longevity - delivering your information and data services to customers and partners

July 2021 - Customer UAT Success!

Following over 6 months of hard work by our developers, designers and the customer's own teams - we have received a UAT Signoff from the customer to confirm acceptance and certification our software solution not only matches their criteria - but performs perfectly, without any bugs or further changes needed to launch their new business process

CodeStep.UK are incredibly proud of our team members and partners who performed exceptionally well - delivering a solution that not only performs, but beat a leading competitor on price and cost effectiveness for the long term

Even at the most critical stage when one poor team member was taken ill - we had a team that could take over and deliver a critical piece of work - without the customer even noticing any delay

Our hosting solution bundled with the software gave our customer a unique cloud service - but without the typical high cloud pricing that holds so many back

Another solution delivered - bug free!

Our defined process works differently to others - we don't follow the typical development process - and our tried and tested strategy - over 14 years in the making - demonstrated a robust and cost effective path to take customer requirements to the cloud

July 2021 - Core facilities - duplicated and safer

Following months of planning and endless hours of trials, our latest maintenance window gave us a chance to duplicate all our core infrastructure services across multiple datacenters.  Twelve Servers that run our core network are now held in duplicated datacenters - ensuring that even if the worst happens, we can recover our networks and services faster than ever before

Our new replication strategy ensures all our core services are backed up every 15 minutes - with elected customers and critical applications replicated every 30 seconds

The added peace of mind gives customers the chance to relax.  And our technicians can sleep a little easier too!

Replicated, Duplicated, Prepared

Any of our customers can elect for replication strategies that enable your services to exist in more than one geographic location

For the ultra sensitive, we can replicate to public cloud services, different countries or even your own office locations for those who need complete ownership and reassurance with bespoke code development and hosting packages

July 2021 - New Options - New Scales

Working with our partners we are pleased to annouce new upcoming services available for large and complex client solutions giving customers and large scale business operations the assurance of continuous and reliable services, no matter where your servers are located across the UK and beyond

  • Managed Clustering and High Availability Services
  • Dedicated Private Networks
  • Dedicated SAN Solutions with managed High Availability options
  • Datacenter Failover Clustering Service for HA Platinum Standard Services
  • Fully Managed Dedicated Partner services with 24 hour Support
  • UK based zero traffic-cost solutions - never pay for bandwidth with our UK services
  • Public Cloud Integration for Ultra High Availability and Multi-Supplier services*

* Public Cloud Ultra High Availability is not available with zero bandwidth costs at this time

Scale delivers power

Big Data served with Big Options

For large corporate services, our partners can deliver scalable yet cost effective High Availability services and solutions ensuring your call centers and customers receive the very best services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

June 2021 - New Donations - More Power!

CodeStep.UK are proud to have commissioned a new server to donate computing power to the Folding@Home Project - researching and combating disease - contributing to the one of the most powerful supercomputers on the planet

Our latest donation has provided additional processing power - adding just a little more

As of the 4th June 2021 - we are ranked in the top 6 % of donators (we were suprised too!) - lets hope the new server generates more solutions - and all credit to the guys at Stanford University for setting up this project!

You can donate too - for more infoirmation click here

Ranked 14791 of 226165 - so far

Whenever we can - we donate unused capacity to research, and are pleased to offer free advice and support to any Registered Charity

The latest information on our donations  and offers to Registered Charities can be found clicking here


June 2021 - New SaaS Solution for our new customer

After 6 months working with a long term partner and their new customer to develop and turn their business data strategy into a fully web based service - CodeStep UK has developed a new bespoke CRM platform built on our latest edition of DSX Framework

We beat the leading CRM provider by a massive margin - using a unique strategy - and are providing a long term cost-effective service we hope they will continue to expand, with both managed and 3rd party services

This fully bespoke implementation provided a unique data structure - specifically designed to capture the customers information in the format they needed - with access to reporting and flexible mining through the customers choice of services

Transforming the business operation by working with their management team - the partner's team and ours combined a flexible skill set and vast experience delivering custom and dedicated solutions

Our new system aims to replace hundreds of manually shared spreadsheets and documents into a single structured solution ready to be amended at a moments notice, accessible from anywhere, from desktops or tablet devices - and all via a web browser with no downloads, updates or intrusive installations - all hosted within dedicated data centers and controlled by each customer

Dedicated, Unique and Branded

Working with our partners and our fantastic designers, we have delivered a compact yet scalable solution with just over 1.1 million lines of dedicated code - in just over a month - with a unique experience tailored to the design brief and customers' brand

We can build dedicated service solutions that can be edited by any developer - an entire solution provided as a hassle free service - with managed code updatable and engineered to last

March 2021 - Free Performance Update

CodeStep.UK are offering free upgrades to any DSX 5.2 application to take advantage of performance improvements we made during lockdown.

Each and every Managed Application (and associated DLL's) can be upgraded at no charge - ensuring you have the best start to your recovery.

The offer is open to anyone running DSX 5.2 based platforms - and there is no charge - but the offer expires on 31st March 2021, so don't wait!

Are you running older hosting ?

We can also upgrade any existing hosting server provided by CodeStep to later versions of Windows Server - absolutely free of charge!  Get new Windows Components, security updates and more - all inclusive!

Kickstart your recovery

We all hope the recovery will mean lots of phone calls and orders - and the faster your systems are, the faster you can respond to customers

Don't miss out on the chance for free upgrades!

February 2021 - New Processes and New Guarantees

A streamlined process and fixed pricing structures allow a more efficient service, and guarantees that can ensure you are protected all the way.

  • Fully Insured with new increased protection
  • Cybercrime and Forensic Protection available
  • Tier 1 Datacenters with up to 10Gbps Connections available
  • Encrypted hosting for remote deployments in shared environments
  • Redundant hosting services available
  • Datacenter failover available
  • Secure dedicated multi-datacenter private networking available
  • OpenCode formats available for peace of mind in the future
  • Fully Protected Maintenance options available
  • Fixed pricing structures and payment mechanisms available

Looking both ways and beyond

We do our best to look after you and protect your services because after all, your custom looks after us!

We have standard protections in place to cover work and services we do, and there are always additional levels of protection such as tailored insurance and additional support for more complex and demanding environments.

September 2020 - New Datacenter Services coming online!

We are proud to annouce a quadrupling of our service capacity!

Our new datacenter solution will provide a cost effective and highly scalable future - for our customers to get the latest and greatest software, hardware and performance - with unique tailored options that many others cannot provide, or simply charge too much for.

Using cutting edge technology - we're about to rapidly scale our service capacity, and our range of services!

Watch this space for our new platforms and services, coming soon!

New servers, new software

Using the best equipment money can buy - we provide a scalable solution no matter the requirements.

Our in-house and partner experience allow us to provide a bespoke, yet highly cost effective solution to a wide range of customers

Latest Offer - Managed Servers and Managed Applications

Our latest investment allows us to provide a newly managed-hosting service for any Windows based Web Application, RDS or custom solution.

By ignoring the typical options, and creating something bespoke - we provide a unique service for customers that want something different.

Call or Contact Us to find out more

Now we can host even more!

Bigger, faster and longer lasting - our new equipment provides cutting edge performance and more scalability than ever before

Get in touch and create something different

We specialise in doing what others do not.  We can provide tailored services and custom software solutions to help your business deliver exactly what you need.

Backed by technicians and software experts and partners, we can deliver more than you might think.

New services deliver new options:-

  • Dual Datacenter Services
    • Legacy or Latest, you choose what you need
  • Managed Cloud Services
    • We can handle all the complex setup, so you don't have to.
  • Legacy OS Services
    • Run anything from Windows 2003, 2008, 2016 or 2019 direct in the cloud**
    • Migrate from old, expensive to maintain on-site hardware to cloud accessible solutions
  • OS Upgrade and Transformation Services
    • Upgrade, migrate and transform your legacy infrastructure
    • Choose the pace you need - our private clouds are flexible
  • Legacy Application Hosting
    • Transform legacy on-premise applications to fully cloud accessible solutions

** Appropriate licences will be required to run the chosen legacy software.  In some cases, the latest or newer licences will be obtained giving you a pre-paid upgrade path, subject to availability and licence conditions at the time of order.  We accept the transfer of "Retail" licences, but OEM licences from existing equipment cannot be transferred and new/additional licences will be required.

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